Your Career Coach
in New York City.
Take control of your narrative — and get your story working for YOU.

A unique story-driven approach to professional career coaching in New York State
Sound familiar?
Your work should “speak for itself”… but you’re not getting the recognition, compensation or promotion you deserve
You’re itching to transition in your career… but lack the “right experience” or qualifications to get where you want to go
You’ve sent out hundreds of resumes… but have only crickets in your inbox!
You make it to the final round of interviews… but then lose out to “stronger candidates”
You have a great idea… but the idea of pitching to investors or getting “buy in” from the C Suite makes you break out in hives
You know you have SO much to offer… but you’d rather have a root canal than have to network or “sell yourself.”
Sound like you?
If you answered yes, we’ve got good news:
There has never been a better time to leverage the power of storytelling and take control of your career narrative — so you can navigate your next step feeling confident, authentic, and powerful.
Project confidence in who you are & what you bring.
Build the clarity and confidence to kick impostor syndrome to the curb so you can make the best possible impression in your professional interactions. By learning to own your story, you can overcome many of the limiting beliefs and stories that make you feel nervous or insecure in professional settings.
Advocate effectively for yourself and your ideas.
Many of us are trapped in old narratives or defined by the projections of others. By taking ownership of your story, you can eliminate these barriers to success, articulate your unique value to those around you, and ask effectively for what you want — without hesitation or apology.
Consistently influence & inspire others to action.
As an effective communicator, you’ll be able to voice your objections without causing offense, put forward new ideas, and influence others to take positive action. Colleagues, managers, prospective employers, investors, and customers will respond to you with higher levels of trust and engagement.
What Clients Say
“Jessica brought me back to my authentic story and gave me the perspective and tools to stay continuously aligned with myself, my strengths and weaknesses, my values, and my wisdom. As a result, I've experienced a seismic shift in how I communicate my unique value as a professional and leader.” – Tanya Troshyna
Frequently Asked Questions
+ What is career coaching?
A professional career coach offers practical help for professionals and job seekers in achieving their career goals and building careers they love.
This assistance may take the form of personal enquiry, story development, career advice, interview preparation, resume building, decision making, negotiation, narrative strategy, or other services tailored to suit your needs.
Executive coaching services focuses on identifying key areas in which small improvements would have a significant impact on performance. The coaching relationship centers on building and solidifying those skills and habits that give you "leverage" and contribute to increased impact in areas like team management, operational efficiency, and the bottom line.
Providing innovative tools and strategies for increasing your value (and perceived value) in the job market is a key focus area and outcome of our career coaching services in NYC. When meeting and interacting with customers, colleagues, bosses and other stakeholders in professional environments, your ability to stand out from the crowd as an authentic, capable and trustworthy professional is the metric that determines how far you can go in your career.
+ What are the benefits of career coaching?
Your NYC career coach will support you in developing the clarity, confidence and concrete communication skill set that are essential to help you navigate and capitalize on whatever comes next in your career.
By working with a career coach in New York, you can feel much more confident sharing your story in high-stakes scenarios, presenting yourself and your ideas for their buy-in, and engaging everyone around you as an effective collaborator.
If you are seeking new opportunities, working with a job coach in NYC is a practical step in the right direction for managing the application and interview process without losing your sanity and sense of humor, and while providing you with the tools and knowledge necessary to help you share your story effectively.
Whether you want to switch industries entirely or simply receive the recognition you deserve in your current position, working with a career coach in NYC is an important investment in realizing the career outcome that matters most to you.
+ What do you talk about with a career coach?
What you discuss with your career coach in NYC is completely confidential and depends in large part on what you want to achieve.
If you enjoy your current company but want more challenge and responsibility, you may want to talk about where you want to go next and how to get others to see you as the obvious candidate for a new role or promotion. Your certified professional career coach can often spot issues with the way you are presenting yourself to help you adjust your behaviors and your interactions.
If you are engaged in a job search, your career advisor in NYC may engage you in self-reflection regarding the types of opportunities that fit you best, as well as offering targeted guidance on how to approach and ace your interviews and how to write resumes and cover letters that will be read and remembered.
Our executive services are designed to teach you how to tell your story in a compelling and effective way, whether verbal and written, and to help position you as a great and solid investment in the eyes of your current or future employer.
+ What is the difference between regular career coaching and the M.A.G.I.C.C method?
Many companies and individuals who offer coaching in NYC use a one-size-fits-all approach that turns out cookie-cutter job candidates.
Our professional services are different in kind and in scope from these career consultants in NYC.
Own Your Story helps you to turn your own experiences and your own unique story into selling points that can help you connect with employers, job interviewers, customers and other professional contacts in real-world scenarios.
By investing in yourself and your own story, you can stand out from the crowd and make a lasting positive impression on your audience.
The M.A.G.I.C.C. method leverages the power of storytelling in a professional context, and provides a refreshing alternative to generic coaching in NYC.
+ What is the role of a career coach?
Your career coach will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed in a competitive 21st century labor marketplace.
Choosing the best career coach in NYC for your needs can provide you with the confidence and self-esteem you need to project a positive image, which is often enough to cut months or even years off your job search.
This can make it much easier for you to get to yes and to accomplish your goals in your chosen field. Your executive coach is your partner in creating a better and more marketable image.
By working with the right career counselor in NY, you can learn to put your best foot forward in all types of professional situations.
+ How to find the right career coach?
Many of those we serve at Own Your Story come to us after asking friends, family members or colleagues, "Where can I find a coach near me who can help me jump-start my career?" While there may be many career coaches in NYC, choosing an executive coach who understands your value and who provides individualized services that focus directly on your unique set of traits, talents and experiences will help you to achieve a higher degree of success in what matters to you.
At Own Your Story, we offer flexible options for our clients that include online training materials. If you are looking for career counseling in New York City but the cost is prohibitve, the Own Your Story self-guided course is an outstanding option that allows you to learn at your own pace while building the communication skills you need for success.
+ What can I expect from career coaching?
Own Your Story offers career counseling for those in the NYC area that focuses directly on your own unique narrative and tapping into the wealth of your experiences. Working with a career coach is much like investing in a bank account. What you get out of the experience largely depends on what you put in.
Almost all career opportunities come with other people attached to them -- i.e. gatekeepers and decision makers. Investing in yourself via career coaching can help you attract and hold their attention and promote trust and confidence in you and your abilities. By leveraging your own story with the assistance of a professional career coach, you can often achieve remarkable results for your career and networking activities.
Our innovative approach can make it much easier for you to begin telling your story and making connections with others that can result in increased opportunities for you immediately and in the future.
+ What is the cost of career coaching?
Each partnership is tailored to the individual's needs and goals, and costs vary to reflect these individual difference. While a comprehensive career coaching program starts at $2K, this is just one of many options that are available to you depending on the scope of partnership and level of support that will serve you best.
By considering the cost of coaching as an investment in yourself rather than an expenditure, you can make the most appropriate decisions about the value of these services for you and for your future employment goals.
+ Who made and created this online course?
Jessica Mastors is an adjunct story and career coach at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, as well as several other universities in North America and around the world.
Jessica developed the Own Your Story program as a career coach looking for the most effective ways to help others succeed in the professional environment. Jessica's deep knowledge of storytelling and developing connections among people has made Own Your Story and the magic methodology one of the most innovative and successful solutions in the industry.
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